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By Adopting A Drug-Free Life, We Can Make Our body, Mind And Society Healthy And Happy.

Sangam-Maha Kumbh

(Realization Of The Supreme Through Self-Realization)

Heartfelt Divine Invitation To All Human Souls

God Has Already Incarnated On This Earth

The Incorporeal, Supreme  Soul, God Father Shiva has already made His divine incarnation on this earth. According to the Supreme Soul God Father, the transformation of this old Iron Age world and the re-establishment of the new Golden Age world will take place very soon.To gain detailed knowledge about the divine wisdom and Rajyoga teachings being imparted through the corporeal medium Prajapita Brahma of Supreme Soul Shiva at the present time, you can visit the service centers of the Brahma Kumaris. Teaching of Rajayoga is given free of cost at all Brahma Kumaris service centres.


Incarnation Of The Supreme Soul In The Body Of Prajapita Brahma

The Supreme Soul, God Father  Shiva incarnates in the body of Prajapita Brahma and gives knowledge about the beginning, middle and end of creation. By teaching Rajayoga, He makes all human souls pure and superior.

Divine Works Of God

Supreme Father Shiva carries out divine tasks through Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. Brahma for creation, Vishnu for sustenance and Shankar for transformation.

World Drama Cycle

World Drama Cycle is of 5000 years--> Golden Age is of 1250 years, Silver Age is of 1250 years, Copper Age is of 1250 years, Iron Age is of 1250 years.

How Can We Get Power From Supreme Soul Through Rajayoga ?

Human exploitation of the earth's resources has led to severe consequences such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, water scarcity and growing social and economic inequalities. This downfall is caused only by human actions. By the time Iron Age ends, both nature and humanity reach a state of instability, creating a negative environment on earth. To remove this negativity, The Supreme Soul God Father incarnates in the body of a human soul who is named Prajapita Brahma by the Supreme Father. The Supreme Soul God Father, being an infinite source of positive energy, teaches Rajayoga to restore balance and purity in the universe. Through this practice, we can receive His divine energy, purify both the environment and souls.

How Can We Serve The World Through Rajayoga Taught By Supreme Soul ?

In the 5000 year cycle beginning with the Golden Age, the human soul gradually loses its purity due to the influence of vices such

as greed, anger, desire, attachment, and ego as the Iron Age progresses, causing it to drift away from its divine essence. Therefore, at the end of Iron Age, during  the Confluence Age, the Supreme Soul incarnates in the body of a human soul, name Him Prajapita Brahma and teaches Rajayoga to restore the soul's divinity.   Since the Supreme Soul Shiva is an abundant source of divine or spiritual energy, by regularly practicing Rajayoga,  the human soul is able to regain its purity and divinity over time.

This Divine Work Of God Is In Its Final Stage !!!

This divine work of God is going on for the last 89 years and He is teaching Rajayoga. God gives the teachings of Rajayoga only

once in 5000 years and lays the foundation of Golden Age by establishing deity religion. Now this work is in its final stage. Therefore, while there is time, you too can make your destiny by cooperating in this divine work. We are not alone in this work, the Incorporeal Supreme Father God himself is our helper. For this you can contact nearest Prajapita Brahmakumaris Spiritual Centre.